The International School Nido de Aguilas




As a private, non-profit foundation, governance at Nido de Aguilas is exercised through a Board of Directors, consisting of a minimum of 9 members and a maximum of 13 members, all of whom must be parents of current or former Nido students. Of the 9 minimum members, four must be U.S. citizens, four must be Chilean citizens, and one is a designee recommended by the U.S. Ambassador to Chile, subject to election by the Board of Directors.

Board Members are the legal representatives of the school, and, among other responsibilities, they are empowered to establish general operating policies, ensure that the school’s mission and purpose is fulfilled, determine tuition and fees on an annual basis, oversee the school’s budget, ensure provision of safe and adequate school facilities, and hire a Chief Executive Officer (Head of School).

The members of our Board of Directors serve as volunteers without pay or compensation and are not entitled to any special benefits or privileges. They are subject to the same tuition and fees as other Nido parents.

In accordance with the school’s legal status, the governing Board is self-perpetuating in nature, meaning that openings are filled by election of the sitting Board Members, for three-year terms. Interested parents who would like to be considered for future openings on the Nido Board of Directors are invited to contact the Board via Ms. Antonia Battistoni (, the executive assistant to the Head of School and Board of Directors.


The Bylaws of the Foundation are available in both English and Spanish in the Parent Portal.




Maya Westcott: Board Chairperson

Lauren Arias: Board Vice Chairperson 

Pamela GómezBoard Treasurer 

Carlos Fonseca: Board Secretary

Jason Evans: US Embassy's Representative

Kimberly Briolini: Board Member

Gisela Escobar: Board Member

Nadeem Najarali: Board Member

Guillermo Sabater: Board Member

Sergio Rademacher: Board Member

Robert Owens: Board Member



General Assembly

The general assembly or Asamblea is the annual meeting between the parents/guardians (Associates) of current Nido students, the Board of Directors, and School Administration Team.

Topics discussed include but are not limited to questions regarding curriculum, school academic standing, facilities, after-school activities, security, and school financial issues. Associates may place questions on notice to the meeting via the President of the Asamblea or speak from the floor of the meeting.

The President of the Asamblea is elected by the Associates at the Asamblea and holds office for one calendar year. The role of the President is to act as the liaison between the Associates and the Board of Directors and School Administration, inclusive of arranging and presiding over the Asamblea meetings.

The President of the Asamblea for 2023 is Gabriela Ferrufino (

Role Description President of Asamblea