Booster Club
Who are we?
The NPA Booster Club is a volunteer group of parents established in 2010 to promote school spirit through the ongoing support of the academic, aquatic, arts, and athletic teams that involve students who represent Nido. Read more about the rules of operation here.
Why do we do it?
Our purpose is to support and encourage students to participate in co-curricular activities so that they can become well rounded individuals. One of our primary objectives is to empower Nido parents to engage with their children and their activities during their adolescent years.
We know that school communities are stronger and students do better when parents are involved.
What do we do?
- Support representative teams with public recognition of students and their teacher advisors through prep rallies, travel bags, patches, and in some cases shirts.
- Sponsor recognition team banners which list all members that contribute to the makeup of the team.
- Coordinate concessions sales to support fundraising of both the Booster Club and of High School Student community groups.
- Run weekly Friday Sales to fundraise for our Booster Club activities and sponsorships
- Manage TEAM NIDO merchandise as a fundraiser for Booster Club activities and also as an enhancement to building spirit throughout the Nido community.
- Host receptions for visiting team coaches or academic and arts advisors during Nido hosted tournaments.
- Support Academic, Aquatic, Arts, and Athletic departments with student home hosting for tournaments hosted at Nido.
- Support the Athletic Department in the hosting of the end of semester Sport Banquettes.
How to get involved
- Become a team parent
- Attend their games and performances
- Cheer loud and proud with them at their events
- Have some fun while we work side by side with students during concession sales
- Join the TEAM NIDO merchandising team to help spread the Nido spirit.
- Host students from other schools when Nido runs SAAC tournament
If you are looking for hands-on involvement and a terrific way to get to know your child’s friends and their families, come on and join us. It will be one of the most enriching interactions you and your teenagers will have. Contact the Booster Club Chairperson at |