The International School Nido de Aguilas


Withdrawing from Nido

Permanent Withdrawal

The nature of an international school is that families transfer in and out of Nido on a regular basis. Knowing of that transition in advance helps us with our admissions planning for our next semester and allows us to prepare your children and their friends for this transition. 

If your family will definitely be relocating from Nido at the end of this semester, please do the following:

Step 1: Complete the Nido Withdrawal Form.

Step 2: Coordinate with the divisional administrative assistants to request transcripts and exit papers.





Step 3: Student records may be picked up in the Students Accounts Office in the Administration Building prior to the students' departure.

Mid-Year Withdrawals

Families that withdraw permanently are only responsible for paying the following three-months of tuition from the effective withdrawal date from school. For more information, contact

Students who permanently withdraw from Nido, must re-apply to Nido for admission. 

Temporary Withdrawal

Temporary withdrawal is defined as an absence of more than one month and less than 12 months that is approved in advance by the Head of School, upon the recommendation of the Principal.

It is important that families considering a temporary withdrawal familiarize themselves with the Board Policy, found here. There are two types of temporary withdrawal:

  1. Temporary withdrawal with space reserved — the family pays the registration and tuition fees while absent and upon return the student is guaranteed immediate placement in the appropriate grade.
  2. Temporary withdrawal without space reserved — the family pays only the annual registration fee while absent and upon return the student is guaranteed the next available placement in the appropriate grade (pending space availability).

Temporary withdrawal approval, if granted, is valid for the period requested and indicated on the approval letter. Temporary withdrawals can be requested no more than once every three years per child. 

Families that request a Temporary Withdrawal agree to:

  • Submit re-enrollment forms and pay the Annual Registration Fee for the given academic calendar year.
  • Present no outstanding debts and pay all applicable tuition fees and incorporation fees according to schedule. 
  • Provide a report of activities, attendance and grades upon the student's return to school.

High School Students:

  • Students on temporary withdrawal must complete the necessary credits to earn the minimum graduation requirements established. Students can be awarded a maximum of 8 credits per year (or 4 credits per semester).
  • The student’s counselor and Principal make the determination of which Nido graduation credits have been fulfilled. For this reason, High School students cannot return to Nido mid-semester due to the difficulty of attaining the necessary credits.
  • It is recommended that students take no more than one temporary withdrawal during their four years in High School.