
Inspiring curiosity, playfulness, and innovation, MakerSpaces and MakerLabs are centers where people gather to design, create, and build. MakerSpaces are found in schools and universities, in community centers, in technology, innovation, and design districts, and in business and startup incubators; you can visit Stgo MakerSpace in Barrio Italia in central Santiago. Nido’s new MakerLabs have design and manufacturing equipment, tools, and technology, as well as plenty of space for students to engage in problem-solving, design-thinking, and experimentation. With their peers, they prototype, reinvent, recombine, create, test, revise, rework, retest, and launch. Nido teaches children to be engaged in their learning and to embrace ingenuity as an important part of our mission and values; and, our new Maker Labs are on their way to becoming two of the most dynamic and inspiring places on campus.
Nido has two MakerLabs on campus, one for the Early Years School and the Elementary School and one for the Middle School and the High School. EYS and ES faculty use the spaces to integrate a higher level of technology and hands-on, design-thinking into student learning, especially as part of our project-based learning curriculum. Regular MakerLab challenges are held during recess periods; students can sign up to push the boundaries of their creativity and imaginations in this fabulous and fun idea and design lab. In the Middle School and the High School, students use the MakerLab for their technology classes and electives. As we further develop our MakerLabs, they will be used for extracurricular programming, faculty professional development, and community activities.