The International School Nido de Aguilas


Outdoor Education Program


“Being Part of Nature is a Special Privilege but it Also Comes with Certain Responsibilities” 

At Nido, we believe that nature provides students infinite opportunities to connect with themselves, each other and other species with whom we co-exist on this marvelous planet. Outdoor experiences stimulate an innate sense of joy, curiosity and engagement in students of all ages. Meaningful learning experiences in the natural world can inspire students to become responsible caretakers and advocates for the environment and its inhabitants. Using a collaborative approach with educators across all divisions, the Nido Outdoor Education Program provides interactive outdoor learning experiences tailored to the developmental needs and learning objectives of each grade level. 

For students in the Early Years School, we strive to create moments of enjoyment and appreciation for nature. We allow students' natural curiosity to inspire much of what we observe and experience, always connecting with how we can be responsible, positive members and ‘users’ of nature. As students move into Elementary School, they are challenged to connect and communicate what they have learned in the classroom, in a hands-on, authentic setting and support their theories with evidence they find ‘in the field’. These experiences occur in the Nido Hills and also during off-campus day trips to other locations in and around the greater metropolitan region.

In the Middle School and High School, students advance to participating in overnight travel programs in addition to ongoing learning around the campus. These experiences are designed to expand students’ intellectual and socio-emotional skills in activities which require new levels of risk-taking, communication, and peer collaboration. Students develop the introductory skills of common outdoor activities including hiking, climbing, and kayaking, supported by trained activity leaders and Nido educators. 

The Outdoor Education Program at Nido aims to support students in their holistic development by providing opportunities for students to learn about and become inspired by the wonders of the natural environment around us, to become impactful stewards of our rapidly changing world, to overcome challenges, both individually and collectively, as well as finding moments of joy, struggle, achievement and reflection about the learning that has taken place.

For questions about the Outdoor Education Program at Nido, please contact Zack Beaty, or Sebastian Guererro.

Zack Beaty

Outdoor Education Coordinator

Some of our favorite teaching moments are when we work with students in the Nido Hills. Whether it's making curricular connections for MS or HS science lessons near the Nido creek, exploring for bunny holes and horse tracks as part of a ES Habitat lesson, or asking EYS students to help us gather small, medium and large sticks for a campfire safety lesson, (with S'mores included!), the hands-on learning opportunities for our students, 'right in our own backyard' (the Nido Hills) are authentic and meaningful ways in which we engage with nature in our local environment and support content across all divisions. Plus, we LOVE seeing the joy on students' faces while they demonstrate their learning in our beautiful surroundings."

Outdoor Education Team


Our students:

  • Develop a sense of connection, appreciation, and wonder for the natural world 
  • Examine the interdependent relationships between humans and other species in nature
  • Recognize the value and benefits outdoor activities provide for overall wellness


Our students:

  • Engage in outdoor activities, honing age appropriate risk-management skills
  • Overcome challenges individually and in groups, practicing mental fortitude when faced with difficult situations
  • Use nature as a space of reflection, creativity, and enjoyment


Our students:

  • Exhibit respect and responsibility for the natural environment
  • Operate as critical thinkers, ecological problem solvers, and engaged citizens
  • Investigate, plan and create possibilities for a sustainable future
  • Transfer lessons from nature to enhance the personal development of empathetic listening, leadership, accountability, collaboration, generosity, and care of others.